We can change our outer aspect of life by changing our attitude of mind.
I beg of you... never assume an inner or an outer pose, never a disguise.
I'm extremely compassionate, loving, all of those warm fuzzy things, but the outer shell doesn't project that all the time.
Mirror reflects your outer beauty; behaviour reflects your inner beauty.
Part of Creator occupies outer part of universe.
When you're a kid, you're only exposed to what's going on in your mind. The mind is like a bigger-than-outer-space type of thing.
Even growing up, I was always the helper-outer, the sous-chef to my parents.
Can the child who is Dell; be the outer emoodiment of man's quest to save himself? To cure himself?...Or, to "be" himself?
Plunderous is the palate I gift to you, openly I hug the universe of our friendship expanding its outer limit.
[Cinema]… obeys the laws of the mind rather than those of the outer world.
With thorns in the inner world there will always be roses in the outer world, in law-able compensation.
The outer expression of a person often reflects the inner perception and deeper beliefs.
As women, we all have certain weaknesses. I know one who can't resist pretty shoes but has nothing suitable to wear with them. Others adore frilly lingerie but never have any money to buy outer clothing.
Society puts so much emphasis on outer appearance, but being confident in yourself and not letting others' opinions affect you is pretty amazing.
Music enables mind to compose things in the outer limit of logic.
Democrats do best in urban centers, Republicans in outer suburbs and rural areas.
Only inner-mastery can bring outer-mastery.
I'm proud that today, at 43 years old, I've come to value the aging process and focus on inner rather than outer beauty.
It requires greater courage to preserve inner freedom, to move on in one's inward journey into new realms, than to stand defiantly for outer freedom. It is often easier to play the martyr, as it is to be rash in battle.
You may not seem able to change some outer circumstances but you can start by changing your inner experience of life and yourself.
A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings.