In 2001, the oil companies, the war contractors and the Neo-Con-Artists seized the economy and added $4 trillion of unproductive spending to the national debt. We now pay four times more for defence, three times more for gasoline and home-heating oil...
Loneliness is something that finds us all when we think about it and when we're by ourselves when we don't want to be. It creeps up when we desperately feel like we need someone special but can't seem to find anything more than a friend that wishes t...
X: We would have arrived days ahead, studied the route, checked all the buildings. Never would have allowed all those wide-open windows overlooking Dealy Plaza, never! We would have had our own snipers covering the area the minute a window went up! T...
Anthony: You see any white people in there waiting an hour and thirty two minutes for a plate of spaghetti? Huh? And how many cups of coffee did we get? Peter: You don't drink coffee and I didn't want any. Anthony: That woman poured cup after cup to ...
[soldiers observe the blast from the observatory] Col. Muska: The fire of Heaven that destroyed Sodom and Gamorrah in the Old Testament. The Ramanayah referred to it as "Indra's Arrow." The entire world will once again kneel before the power of Laput...
Minister: Commissioner Berthier, any suggestions? Berthier: We're in trouble on this one. Our agents inside the OAS can't pin him down, since not even the OAS knows who he is. Action Service can't destroy him; they don't know who to destroy. The gend...
Roy Walker: And she turned from the masked bandit and she said... Nurse Evelyn: [in the story, as Sister Evelyn] May I be frank with you? Blue Bandit: Of course. Nurse Evelyn: Although I've dedicated my life to God and His goodness, I secretly love t...
Mia: Hey. You okay? Brian O'Conner: Yeah. This guy's just, relentless. Mia: That's why Dom needs you. You two need to find this guy and you need to stop him before he does any more damage to our family. Brian O'Conner: I just... I've screwed up so ma...
Raoul Duke: We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat...
[evaluating a site for their business] Dr. Peter Venkman: What do you think, Egon? Dr. Egon Spengler: I think this building should be condemned. There's serious metal fatigue in all the load-bearing members, the wiring is substandard, it's completely...
Commodus: And now they love Maximus for his mercy. So I can't just kill him, or it makes me even more unmerciful! The whole thing's like some crazed nightmare. Falco: He is defying you. His every victory is an act of defiance. The mob sees this, and ...
[first lines] Sig Mickelson: In 1935, Ed Murrow began his career with CBS. When World War II broke out, it was his voice that brought the Battle of Britain home to us, through his "This Is London" radio series. He started with us all, many of us here...
Henrik Vanger: I apologize if you've been having financial problems at the magazine due to Mikael's absence. Erika Berger: We'll work through them. Henrik Vanger: Are you sure? Martin Vanger: How long do you think you can hang on? Six months? Erika B...
Amsterdam Vallon: In the end, they put candles on the bodies so's their friends, if they had any, could know them in the dark. The city did this free of charge. Shang, Jimmy Spoils, Hell-cat, McGloin, and more. Friend or foe, didn't make no differenc...
Mayor: [speaking cordially with Madeline] I always have time to put on a tux and eat free food for a good cause. Who are saving this week? Madeliene White: Well, I'm doing a round of support for the Joseph Freidkin Memorial Fund for spinal cord resea...
[confronting the Tiger tank commander] Big Joe: Look, Mac, you and us? We're just soldiers, right? We don't even know what this war's all about. All we do is we fight and we die and for what? We don't get anything out of it. In about a half an hour t...
Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Vandervoort: I don't think I have to remind you that this war has been going on for almost 5 years. Over half of Europe has been overrun and occupied. We're comparative newcomers. England's gone through a blitz with a knif...
Galadriel: The power of the Three Rings is ended. The time has come... for the dominion of Men. Elrond: [in Elvish] The Sea calls us home. Bilbo: [smiling] I think I'm... quite ready for another adventure! [Bilbo climbs on board with Elrond. Galadrie...
Television Commentator: Your name, please. Clayton Townley: Clayton Townley, local businessman. Television Commentator: Are you, sir, a spokesman for the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan? Clayton Townley: I told you, I'm a businessman. I'm also a Mi...
Tex: Boy oh boy, you picked a bad time to fly, Billy. They're guerrillas all over the place blowing up planes and all. They hit four planes in four days. But I guess you young people don't read the news anymore. That, and with our people back home ki...
[last lines] King Arthur: [Arthur and Bedevere have found out that the Holy Grail is in Castle Augh, which is guarded by the frenchmen] We shall attack at once. Sir Bedevere: Yes, my liege. [an army of hundreds of soldiers appears] King Arthur: [to C...