Let our road be long, let it be very long, let it be very very long and in fact let our road be infinite! Travel means flow, flow means life!
Our only hope lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism
We shouldn't hide behind anger or anonymity when reliving the past because all that’s happened and all those who belong in our past are part of our story.
The battle for self-control over an intense undesired habit consists of an endless series of skirmishes, in which our urges and our better angels clash several times each day.
Everything bad in the Old Testament (and there's a lot) is there to point out our sin, while everything good in the Old Testament is there to point us to our Savior.
Japanese chefs believe our soul goes into our knives once we start using them. You wouldn't put your soul in a dishwasher!
Realizing that our actions, feelings and behaviour are the result of our own images and beliefs gives us the level that psychology has always needed for changing personality.
Brutality and injustice made us raise our hands towards the sky for years; God didn’t respond us, but drones came to our rescue.
We are social and political creatures but foremost we are a biological one. Our feelings, sentiments, emotions and attractions are generally because of our biological structure and appearance.
For all that is ours, we must make conscious attempts to look after and for all that is not ours, we must make conscious attempts to stay aloof.
We may know who we are or we may not. We may be Muslims, Jews or Christians but until our hearts become the mould for every heart we will see only our differences.
Clearly, border security has been the top domestic issue of the year, and rightly so. Securing our borders is an essential aspect of our national security.
The Kabbalists say that the holy one of the universe is broken, and that we are extensions of the holy one and carry that brokenness inside of us. Our task is to fix our brokenness and hence the brokenness of the holy one.
When things go badly, individuals look for scapegoats. I just do not believe that barbed-wire fences or guns on our border will solve any of our problems.
To get back to the kind of shared prosperity and upward mobility we once considered normal will require another era of fundamental reform, of both our economy and our democracy.
Nothing more strongly arouses our disgust than cannibalism, yet we make the same impression on Buddhists and vegetarians, for we feed on babies, though not our own.
Christmas does not remind us that God was born over 2000 years ago. It is a time to remember that God was born in our Heart and Lives in our Heart, everyday!-RVM
When we let the energy of our existence flow freely, without being obstructed by fear, happiness finds its way into our daily lives.
The first day or so we all pointed to our countries. The third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day, we were aware of only one Earth.
I knew why earlier generations once believed that the sun circled the earth. Because, in our limited imaginations, that is how we lived our lives. -Mrs. Tuesday's Departure
First, we should not be opening our coasts, all of our coasts, to oil drilling when we have not taken the first step, not the first step, to conserve oil.