But even though our old home had physically seen better days, I knew in that moment that we had taken the soul of that house with us to our new home. And as I branched out and left our small town, I'd taken all the best bits of home life - the essenc...
There is nothing wrong with being Human. What is wrong is how so many take for granted the gift of our being human and never learn that we are also to be HUMANE, hence our HUMANITY. We are born Man but it takes years of education, trial and error to ...
Love is a figment of our imagination; becoming whatever we wish it to be. We customized our feelings to control love, resembling a wind being tossed about whichever way it suits us. Love is a game for the fittest, if you are weak at heart it will des...
Look at this building, it is in our common world in which there is no violence. This is a huge skyscraper, which, on its part-functional spacecraft, where you can go wherever you go, it is like an anthill, he is in the form of man, handsome, strong m...
There is a relationship between the eye contacts we make and the perceptions that we create in our heads, a relationship between the sound of another's voice and the emotions that we feel in our hearts, a relationship between our movements in space a...
In fact, when we listen to the church today, at least in the West, we are often left with impression that Christianity actually has very little to do with truth. Christianity is only about feeling better about ourselves, about leaping over our diffic...
When you assume you make a you-know-what out of U and me. Yep, so let's stop assuming so much. We are often quick to explain details to strangers, who we understand might not be reading our minds, but we often assume that those people closest to us, ...
Queen Gorgo: I am not here to represent Leonidas; his actions speak louder than my words ever could. I am here for all those voices which cannot be heard: mothers, daughters, fathers, sons - three hundred families that bleed for our rights, and for t...
There's a psychological mechanism, I've come to believe, that prevents most of us from imagining the moment of our own death. For if it were possible to imagine fully that instant of passing from consciousness to nonexistence, with all the attendant ...
Everyone is familiar with the phenomenon of feeling more or less alive on different days. Everyone knows on any given day that there are energies slumbering in him which the incitements of that day do not call forth, but which he might display if the...
At our age, you don't want to stop.
There has to be a first time for everything -- even our most natural habits.
Flowing water never goes bad; our door hubs never gather termites.
If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.
Only through the eyes of others can we really see our own faults.
Small ills are the fountains of most of our groans. Men trip not on mountains, they stumble on stones.
The only antidote to religious triumphalism is the readiness of communities of faith to permit doubt and self-criticism to play a vital role in the life of Faith.
If only we could crawl inside our dreams and live there. Why can't I live inside my dream?
Our zeal works wonders, whenever it supports our inclination toward hatred, cruelty, ambition.
This story was a story of our time. And a writer's attempts not to fathom his time amount but to sounding his mind in it.
The basis of Cosmic Ordering is the belief that the universe is not dead matter, but pure energy which responds to our vibrations and to our frequencies.