Knowledge subverts love: in proportion as we penetrate our secrets, we come to loathe our kind, precisely because they resemble us.
Our whole social environment seems to us to be filled with forces which really exist only in our own minds.
Paternalism is everywhere in our lives. We have to immunise our children unless we are upset about it. In India, it is the opposite. It is possible to get your kids immunised, but you really have to want to.
Prayer is our yearning for God, the cry of our poverty and misery, stretching out toward the throne of His divine mercy.
For our vanity is such that we hold our own characters immutable, and we are slow to acknowledge that they have changed, even for the better.
God is just, and our lots are well portioned out by Him, although none, but He knows the bitterness of our souls.
Our desires always disappoint us; for though we meet with something that gives us satisfaction, yet it never thoroughly answers our expectation.
Our greatest pretenses are built up not to hide the evil and the ugly in us, but our emptiness. The hardest thing to hide is something that is not there.
Love is an expression of power. We can use it to transform our world.
Psychologically, it's always more pleasurable to blame others for our problems than it is to acknowledge our own responsibility.
So we are fulfilling our task in preventing serious armament stocks in Iraq within our possibilities.
Our first priority has to be getting our fiscal house in order - and creating an atmosphere for the private sector in job creation.
Speak up! We live in a democracy. We all need to make sure our voices are heard and our opinions are known.
When our government is spoken of as some menacing, threatening foreign entity, it ignores the fact that, in our democracy, government is us.
Our national security is at risk when we rely on foreign oil to keep our economy moving forward.
It was like a miracle, but before our very eyes, and almost in the drawing of a breath, the whole body crumbled into dust and passed from our sight.
What cruel creatures men are. Our bodies tell us to love so many, but there's room in our hearts for so few.
One of the very hallmarks of our nation is the ideal of E Pluribus Unum. It is a concept that richly flows from the highest ideals of our nation.
The only barrier in our lives are our nerves. Keep kicking and follow your dreams!
It is always safe to learn, even from our enemies; seldom safe to venture to instruct, even our friends.
As social beings we live with our eyes upon our reflection, but have no assurance of the tranquillity of the waters in which we see it.