I think our relationship with Epic had run its natural course, and it happened to coincide with the fulfillment of our contract. We decided not to resign with them.
We reserve our deepest respect and admiration for those who volunteer for service and give their lives to help keep our nation secure.
We've got to demonstrate why European unity and integration, our vast single market, our single currency, equip us with the strength to embrace globalization.
Our region's economy was built upon their entrepreneurial spirit, and our economy still depends on the continued success of the enterprises they have worked so hard to create.
Space exploration is important research to our economic and national defense, and America's space program is a symbol of our success as a scientifically and technologically advanced nation.
We have much to be judged on when he comes, slums and battlefields and insane asylums, but these are the symptoms of our illness and the result of our failures in love.
We want our music to reach everybody, so we're using the Internet. Every kid today is online, and we want to make sure our songs reach every one of them.
Pop music can get inside us and enter our memory bubbles. It provides those true Proustian moments, unlocking sensations, unlocking our imaginations. Music inspired me as a filmmaker.
The willingness of America's veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.
Well, marriage is a very important part of our culture and our society. If we want to have a hopeful and decent society, we ought to aim for the ideal.
Milly Stephenson: You're crazy. Al Stephenson: No. Too sane for my own good.
It is the cells which create and maintain in us, during the span of our lives, our will to live and survive, to search and experiment, and to struggle.
We have entered the cell, the Mansion of our birth, and started the inventory of our acquired wealth.
The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.
There is not a situation in our world that cannot be immensely improved with a dose of L O V E
Silence is victory and patience is glory. Let silence speak our identity and let patience keep our dignity.
Almost all of our sorrows spring out of our relations with other people. There is no more mistaken path to happiness than worldliness.
Let the living give thanks to our honored dead who have paid the ultimate sacrifice that the Constitution of the United States remains our guiding light.
Without the absolute truth, to know the truth value of our own existence is beyond our strengths/limits/possibilities.
Our peace comes from remembering our wholeness and that the end of desire is the beginning of a life filled with Light.
just because peace isn't in our job title, doesn't mean it's not in our description.