Self-development is a way of Life. Our Self-Development never ends. We are never too young or too old for personal growth. We have an amazing potential to reach our highest potential, to have truly inspiring careers and loving relationships. Unfortun...
For if our bodies aren’t our own, And justice isn’t ours, And our love is just a sin, And voices by the people Are no longer for the people, What have we left to lose?
So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of family, that it remains the measure of our stability because it measures our sense of loyalty.
With our love, we could save the world.
We can always hate that which we loved, and with a fire as great as our love once was.
Love for yourself is the key to loving other. Love begins with you.
We will never have an expiration date. Our love is destined to exist forever.
We love ourselves notwithstanding our faults, and we ought to love our friends in like manner.
1.17 THE WORLDLY WAYS The world, the din, the time, the kin, In our days are a sin, Love’s condemned and not true, A farce for sex, a laugh at You. [179] - 1 Simplicity is a crime, Frauds and liars are divine, Sex is worshiped, live not true, Cheat...
The courage is light of one’s life, is the beauty of today. The hope of one’s soul, is the promise of a tomorrow. The times of our past, is a wisdom for anytime. The labour of our sacrifice and love, is a masterpiece of our moments. The voyage of...
There can be a fundamental gulf of gracelessness in a human heart which neither our love nor our courage can bridge.
Eternal Love, Distance is the salvation of my life, it is the magic of our love, thanks to that magic, I have finally learned to love you, from a distance. Go, but go far from me, I have a fear of losing you. Don't come close, please, do not destroy ...
Our most fundamental social need, it turns out, to my amazement, is love. Now, I'm not a hippie-dippie whatever. If you look at the literature, our most fundamental need for children is an environment of maximum love, and that they can be hugged, kis...
We come together, we create our families, we chose our mates out of the desire to form a life together. Love takes many forms, wears many faces, but when it's real, when it touches your heart, you will know it and--with hope--embrace it. Love is stro...
I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doome...
If kissing was a language I was sure we’d know it well. If it could measure the amount of love you felt for someone, our love was infinite after all. Even when we hugged I felt a special connection to him. It was in his loving embrace that I sought...
It makes a world of difference to know that God loved you enough to send His only begotten Son to suffer and die for you. Suddenly our lives and sufferings aren't meanigless accident, but part of God's loving plan for us. And our acceptance of that p...
Sunrise gave birth to our love.
We thank thee for this opportunity to show our love for these heroes who have accomplished such wonders for the beloved United States, which was founded by noble and inspired men.
I love the role that men play in our lives.
She asked for soup, and I served her cereal. Our love was in the breakfast stage.