There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.
If Life is to live, then why past or future eaitherway irrelevant Live Life Day at a Time
When you have a command over your thoughts and how they are creating, you are the center of your creation. When you put your responsibility outside of yourself and subject yourself as a victim of the universe, you are disempowered and are going to st...
O my Mansoul, I have lived, I have died, I live, and I will die no more for thee. I live that thou mayest not die. Because I live thou shalt live also; I reconciled thee to my Father by the blood of My cross, and being reconciled thou shalt live thro...
Our spiritual attitude is determined by our conception of our relation to infinite spirit.
Our pop scene is among the best in the world because there are 300 languages spoken on the streets of London, compared with 200 in New York. Our diversity is our strength.
Our thoughts create our world.
There are no limits to our future if we don't put limits on our people.
Love is not in our choice but in our fate.
Our privileges are not for our pleasure but rather for our purpose.
People of Berlin - people of the world - this is our moment. This is our time.
We do not see nature with our eyes, but with our understandings and our hearts.
Our trials, our sorrows, and our grieves develop us.
To send our troops, our ships, our planes to this war is ridiculous.
Number 23 had plenty of redeeming qualities that made falling for him a justifiable accident. But our connection had nothing to do with our similarities, our differences, our aesthetic attractions, or our emotional and physical needs. When we spoke, ...
The main thing is that we can smile at our duties -- yes even at our suffering.
We have not inherited this land from our ancestors; rather we have borrowed it from our children.
A steampunk nation Baby pollution rises up then the loving comes arraigning 'cause Our art's official and only partially artificial And our heart's in the middle of sharp hardened shards of metal but There's not where it settles Because it's beating ...
No, the secret is that there's no reward and we have to endure our characters and our natures as best we can, because no amount of experience or insight is going to rectify our deficiencies, our self-regard, or our cupidity. We have to learn that our...
Truth is in our blood. It is the essennce of our being. It is the best part of us, the core of what makes us human. It is our soul, our fundamental genetic beauty, and our spirit. We were created perfect, and despite the inevitability that we loose s...
To know that we are only angels weighed down by filth, free of guilt? The bacteria in our bellies are responsible for the farts which shame us, tiny monsters shitting in their billions all over our pure skin create the acid reek of "our" sweat. And S...