Our life consists not in the pursuit of material success but in the quest for worthy spiritual growth. Our entire earthly existence is but a transitional stage in the movement toward something higher, and we must not stumble and fall, nor must we lin...
Pain demands to be felt.
There is no try. There is only do.
Even in this glowering age, morality animates our lives with meaning.
All of our unhappiness comes from our inability to be alone.
This is our world, and we must make the best of it.
We do not look in our great cities for our best morality.
There is a rhythm to our language. they echo the rhythm of our life.
Our future lies on the horizon of our destiny.
We suffered for our art. You have to suffer for our art as well!
We live in our fantasies and endure our realities.
The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.
Obamacare is going to destroy our economy and destroy our freedom.
I burned down our house, and that put a strain on our family.
Our work is the presentation of our capabilities.
Our understanding of how DNA informs our health and development is advancing at an incredible pace.
Since the majority of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean, not to mention much of the world's protein, it is not an exaggeration to say that when our oceans' health declines, our very survival is at risk.
God, that dumping ground of our dreams.
We're failing our children with education, we're failing our environment.
The white men told lies for each other. They drove off a great many of our cattle. Some branded our young cattle so they could claim them.
We face paired dangers. The first is that our networks are successfully attacked. The second is that our fear of attack will cause us to destroy what makes the Internet special.