You can do anything and smash anything in the world with a kopeck.
All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.
Interior decoration partly thrives on being social.
Sunday afternoon is for papers and writing.
I only need 1 thing: Everything" - Sengoku Nadeko
I can't do a film if I don't start with the writing.
The End of the Affair is almost like a play.
Africa is poor because its investors and its creditors are unspeakably rich.
Things are always better in the morning.
Hope and carbohydrates were a powerful combination.
All around us, Karachi kept moving
Any moment called is always full of possibles.
It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.
Artists are those who can evade the verbose.
Humans - a renewable resource.
I preferred a hard truth to a well-meant lie.
I constantly remind people that crime isn't solved by technology; it's solved by people.
Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.
We're still in the first minutes of the first day of the Internet revolution.
Social media is not about the exploitation of technology but service to community.
For me, everything has always been an accident.