Nothing ever becomes real 'til it is experienced.
Soulless. Banished. But never forgotten.
Love is an endless act of forgiveness.
I'm actually the daytime host of the Olympics on NBC.
Intuition is the clear conception of the whole at once.
To be a comedian, you gotta jokesmith, there's no way around it.
Men should only believe half of what women say. But which half?
A good memory is one trained to forget the trivial.
We always take credit for the good and attribute the bad to fortune.
It is good to be in front of the lens to appreciate more being behind the lens.
Storybooks were always a big part of my imagination, and my childhood and adolescence.
The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the world.
I am putting real plums into an imaginary cake.
The scientific imagination always restrains itself within the limits of probability.
What is now proved was once only imagined.
I love going to tag sales, to auctions.
Culture is properly described as the love of perfection; it is a study of perfection.
Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.
Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness, lady, were no crime.
Time brings all things to pass.
I like fighting. I get into rows all the time.