I want to continue making things.
The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.
A thing well done is worth doing.
I don't think anyone is the perfect one to play me.
I just stroll in right before the recording goes on.
You rarely win, but sometimes you do.
It's better to be silent than to be a fool.
With him was routine, but without him it was unbearable.
Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced.
Everybody’s gotta learn, nobody’s born knowing.
Depart from discretion when it interferes with duty.
I left Princeton, but I graduated Harvard, in 1952.
If you cannot concentrate, you are not so happy.
There aren't many shy writers left.
We're the real estate industry - not the manufacturers.
Love-quarrels oft in pleasing concord end.
Vulnerability is the curse of the thinking classes.
Calculation never made a hero.
Dream up a book on Monday, publish it on Friday.
I rode into the dawning world of television in 1944 on a train.
Hollywood is a peculiar beast - people in Hollywood are nuts.