Between 1991 and 1997 I had really serious asthma.
In tragedy every moment is eternity; in comedy, eternity is a moment.
Breakfast is a notoriously difficult meal to serve with a flourish.
I wanted to be a rock star.
The world can be such a fright, but it belongs to us tonight.
Thanks cows. I appreciate your tastiness.
I have a deep and profound mistrust of all politicians.
Pretexts are not wanting when one wishes to use them.
Silence is argument carried out by other means.
Don't get me wrong: I would not say no to an Oscar!
Whether animals admit it or not, they and I communicate.
Maybe where there's clarity of air, there's clarity of thought.
I was on a train of lies. I couldn't jump off.
I had also done a little disc jockeying.
Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.
I'm a lifelong believer in trade unionism.
The divine is always abominable. "Houses Under The Sea
Hitler is the human catch-all for all other terrible humans.
I always wanted to be wealthy. I did.
I'm not Chinese. I thrive in interesting times.
Witchery is merely a word for what we are all capable of.