Villains are meant to be hated.
The Merchants of Carolina, are fair, frank Traders.
The more I see the less I know for sure.
I never get tired of hearing compliments.
I keep looking for things I haven't done yet.
Night hath a thousand eyes.
Women have more to prove than men when it comes to politics.
Just as women are afraid of receiving, men are afraid of giving.
One of the things I'm really good at is procrastinating.
Hannibal Lecter: Good evening, Clarice.
I imagine, therefore I belong and am free.
Science does not know its debt to imagination.
The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, are of imagination all compact.
I'm a big Ping-Pong addict. I love it.
I'm not predicting; I just love playing with superconductors.
I always love China, especially the old China.
Chuck Noland: Nickolai. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.
I didn't find Jesus. He's been there the whole time.
I spend a lot, a lot, a lot of time on the Web.
I spend a lot of time visiting local organisations.
What is a ruin but time easing itself of endurance?