Sometimes I hate a shoe in seconds.
The gimmicky thing I'm not very keen on.
I wasn't a child at 13, were you?
I write on a computer, on a laptop or whatever.
Humility is a virtue, and it is a virtue innate in guests.
Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory.
There's no taking trout with dry breeches.
Women's Tongues are as sharp as two-edged Swords, and wound as much, when they are anger'd.
There is no substitute for books in the life of a child. (1952)
When nothing is sure, everything is possible.
Positive thoughts precede positive results.
Many more schools can be outstanding.
I would have been a disastrous soldier.
There is so much freedom in not having to choose.
Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful.
My father was not a political animal.
There are no small parts. Only small actors.
Man's world is the planet of inexperience.
To reject the word is to reject the human search.
A book comes and says, 'Write me.
I don't talk in sound bites.