The other thing that happened in 1883 was my reading of Thoreau's Walden.
Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive.
I'm nobody, who are you?
An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy to be called an idea at all.
Whatever happens, I'm ready to face it.
I'm a failed newspaper man myself.
Prose is architecture, not interior decoration.
You look just like you!
It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.
Gossip is the opiate of the oppressed.
There are two words for everything.
There is no diplomacy like candor.
Christ for the world, for the world needs Christ!
Some misunderstandings are hard to cure.
I'm an entertainer in the military-entertainment complex.
Err on the side of awesome.
Cinta adalah bahaya yang lekas jadi pudar
As a director, it is important to understand the actor's process.
There is a lot of my childhood in 'The Sandcastle Girls.'
The Beautiful is always strange.
The beautiful is always bizarre.