I don't have a college degree.
The pictures are there, and you just take them.
Lebanon does not have a powerful army.
It's all make believe, isn't it?
Conviction is the conscience of the mind.
Miss Child is never bashful with butter.
To be interested in food but not in food production is clearly absurd.
Change is the only constant. Hanging on is the only sin.
Happiness is a by-product. You cannot pursue it by itself.
Change is good; it's what fashion is all about.
A university is not a political party, and an education is not an indoctrination.
We all have that power to have a soul that magnifies God.
The Communist vision is the vision of man without God.
Golf is a good walk spoiled.
Fear... is forward. No one is afraid of yesterday.
A religion without rules or God isn't sustainable.
By the power of Steven Wright's Beard!
The Afro-American is not a bestial race.
I don't believe in writer's block.
Isn't that an odd philosophy for a vampire?
I do not value religion chiefly for its morality.