Editors are licensed to be curious.
After each war there is a little less democracy to save.
Modern American war is as easy to script as a B movie.
Mothers are all slightly insane.
Education is the best provision for old age.
Like the rest of the city, LAX is coming of age.
In this age of 24-7 headlines, the term 'newsweekly' seems almost quaint.
Matching shoes and bags immediately age you by 10 years.
Apakah kesejahteraan hidup sama dengan kebusukan buat orang lain?
Une cour des miracles dans un labyrinthe de luxe.
My best stories come out of nowhere, with no concern for form at all.
I've learned that the best political reporters never make predictions!
Tennis and golf are best played, not watched.
Blood is the leitmotif of 'Black Swan.'
Like all editors, I assume, I'm a reactor.
My grandfather and I were very close.
Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful.
Pilgrims who are looking for a cure are soon looking for a curio.
God tipped the country and all the fruits and nuts rolled west.
The murals in restaurants are on par with the food in museums.
Years down the line, I became a food stylist.