Barium, which is commonly found in power plant waste and scrubber wastewater, has been linked to heart problems and diseases in other organs.
A woman with organizing skills can run a construction company without ever picking up a hammer and nail.
The regime of globalization promotes an unfettered marketplace as the dynamic instrument organizing international relations.
A reader ought to be able to hold it and become familiar with its organized contents and make it a mind's manageable companion.
The person who figures out how to harness the collective genius of his or her organization is going to blow the competition away.
What we seek is the reign of law, based upon the consent of the governed and sustained by the organized opinion of mankind.
New legislation has just been adopted by the International Labour Organization on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, such as bonded labour, prostitution and hazardous work.
I am excited to work with NBC News to continue to highlight stories of organizations and individuals who make their communities and our world healthier, more just and more humane.
The human brain is a wonderful organ. It starts to work as soon as you are born and doesn't stop until you get up to deliver a speech.
When WHO works with the private sector, the Organization takes all possible measures to ensure its work to develop policy and guidelines is protected from industry influence.
The only way back toward a democracy and economy that work for the majority is for most of us to get politically active once again, becoming organized and mobilized.
There were so many outstanding women in scripture that were leaders. And, you know, the organized church sometimes puts boundaries on us that the Bible doesn't.
I was never a spy. I was with the OSS organization. We had a number of women, but we were all office help.
All food eaten in anticipation of a kiss is delicious.
That’s what you get for being food.
No food, you die in weeks. No water, you die in days.
Danger is the snack food of a true sleuth.
Garnish your food with romance.
From Japan to Thailand, I keep discovering amazing talent, cuisine and food markets.
If I weren't involved with food, I'd be working in architecture. Design is that critical to me.
On my 30th birthday, all the presents I got were boxes of food. That's what I needed.