Since truffle oil and caviar aren't always in the budget, learning to tweak and enhance just a few ingredients and flavor combinations can help you transform those ordinary ingredients into the extraordinary!
To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia - to mistake an ordinary young woman for a goddess.
That's No Ordinary Girl Ponytail (Short Story)
In the mind of an ordinary, 1+1 = 2; but, in the mind of an extraordinary, 1+ 1 = 10.
Imaginary time is a new dimension, at right angles to ordinary, real time.
This sounds an extraordinary statement to make, but in fact all truth is very ordinary.
I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
To be old is to be part of a huge and ordinary multitude... the reason why old age was venerated in the past was because it was extraordinary.
But this was no ordinary chicken. This chicken was evil manifest.
I like to think that the best poetry is or involves a contest between ordinary conversation and ritual.
That's important to me, to find the extraordinary inside the ordinary.
The president felt that it was important to send an ordinary citizen to experience the excitement of space travel as a representative for all Americans.
Give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things as rich people.
Consultant: any ordinary guy more than fifty miles from home.
By using novels, I show ordinary kids confronting and overcoming great odds.
What good is it being Marilyn Monroe? Why can't I just be an ordinary woman?
An ordinary black hole is thought to be the end state of a really massive star's life.
The main goal in my life is to make extraordinary things out of the ordinary.
Interestingly, simple and ordinary experiences often provide the most important learning opportunities we ever have.
Well, honestly I feel like an ordinary woman.
Certainly ordinary language has no claim to be the last word, if there is such a thing.