Narrator: [Narrator/Death] It's always been the same. The excitement and rush to war. I met so many young men over the years who have thought they were running at their enemy, when the truth was, they were running to me.
Justin Quayle: Arnold Bluhm is gay, Bernard. Gay men don't rape their women friends. Sir Bernard Pellegrin: [bemused] Well, I've known one or two very savage queens in my time.
Lorbeer: I only give the food to the women, Mr. Black. Women make the homes, men just make wars... and hooch. Adam was God's first draft - He got it right with Eve. Tell that to your readers, Mr. Black.
Veronica Loughran: You men make me feel sick. You'll sleep with anything that says yes. Dante Hicks: Animal, mineral or vegetable. Veronica Loughran: Vegetable, meaning paraplegic. Dante Hicks: They put up the least amount of struggle.
Theodore Faron: Julian? I haven't seen you in twenty years. You look good. The picture the police have of you doesn't do you justice. Julian Taylor: What do the police know about justice?
Victor Laszlo: And what if you track down these men and kill them, what if you killed all of us? From every corner of Europe, hundreds, thousands would rise up to take our places. Even Nazis can't kill that fast.
Hans: Mr. Takagi, I could talk about industrialization and men's fashion all day, but I'm afraid work must intrude, and my associate, Theo, has some questions for you. Sort of fill in the blanks questions, actually.
Two-Face: You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time. But you were wrong. The world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance. [holds up his coin] Two-Face: Unbiased. Unprejudiced. Fair.
General der Artillerie Helmuth Weidling: My Führer, as a soldier I suggest we try to break through the encirclement. During the fight for Berlin we've already lost 15-20,000 of the younger officers. Adolf Hitler: But that's what young men are for.
Vassili: All these men here know they're going to die. So, each night when they make it back, it's a bonus. So, every cup of tea, every cigarette is like a little celebration. You just have to accept that.
Master Sergeant Farell: Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.
Teasle: Are you telling me that 200 of our men against your boy is a no-win situation for us? Trautman: You send that many, don't forget one thing. Teasle: What? Trautman: A good supply of body bags.
Lt. Weinberg: "I strenuously object?" Is that how it works? Hm? "Objection." "Overruled." "Oh, no, no, no. No, I STRENUOUSLY object." "Oh. Well, if you strenuously object then I should take some time to reconsider."
Kaffee: [Stops Dawson as he is leaving the courtroom] Harold. Dawson: Sir? Kaffee: You don't need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor. Dawson: Ten-hut! [salutes] Dawson: There's an officer on deck.
Lt. Weinberg: Cmdr. Galloway, Lt. Kaffee is considered to be the best litigator in our office. He successfully plea bargained 44 cases in 9 months. Kaffee: One more and I get a set of steak knives.
Kaffee: Anyway, since we seem to be out of witnesses, I thought I'd drink a little. Galloway: I still think we can win. Kaffee: Maybe you should drink a little.
Kaffee: This your signature? Dawson: Yes, sir. Kaffee: You don't have to call me "sir." [to Downey] Kaffee: Is this your signature? Downey: Sir, yes, sir. Kaffee: You certainly don't need to do it twice in one sentence.
Col. Jessep: [to Lt. Kendrick] John, you're in charge. Santiago doesn't make 4646 on his next Proficiency and Conduct Report, and I'm going to blame you. And then, I'm going to kill you.
[about Yente, the matchmaker] Tzeitel: But Mama, the men she finds. The last one was so old and he was bald. He had no hair. Golde: A poor girl without a dowry can't be so particular. You want hair, marry a monkey.
Proximo: So Spaniard, we shall go to Rome together and have bloody adventures. And the great whore will suckle us until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more. And then, when enough men have died, perhaps you will have your freedom.
Paul Edgecomb: [to Dean Stanton who is standing in the doorway with a broom] You let him get past you. Dean Stanton: No I did not. Brutus "Brutal" Howell: Three grown men... outsmarted by a mouse.