Beauty will not come at the call of the legislature.... It will come, as always, unannounced, and spring up between the feet of brave and earnest men.
Sometimes she thought the Creator had only made men to cause trouble for women.
Never underestimate the power of good but never ignore evil lurking in the hearts of men. Rose of Life
...dusk is the time when men whisper of matters about which they remain silent in the full light of the sun.
Men owe us what they imagine they will give us. We must forgive them this debt.
Fear of nature led to society; hatred among men lead to culture; envy among women led to virtue.
The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world as much as of one humble servant of God. Tom Krause
Men, you'll never be a good groom to your wife unless you're first a good bride to Jesus.
Men take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears.
Real heroes are men who fall and fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they've stayed true to their ideals and beliefs and commitments.
There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune...” ― William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
Someday find my son...tell him about how things can be between men on this Earth." --A Letter to Jesse Owens
So this is what men are like. Well, that's it, then - I am going to be a lesbian.
We trace the hand of the Almighty in framing the constitution of our land, and believe that the Lord raised up men purposely for the accomplishment of this object, raised them up and inspired them to frame the Constitution of the United States
oh God! what am I to do if I love nothing but fame and men's esteem?
Birds don't need bridges to cross precipices and honourable men with honesty wings to cross precipices of slander.
Every men create some sound. Be a melody in this universe not a noise! If you become a melody, the whole universe will listen to you!
A virtuos woman is not moved by big names and flamboyance, but only men of profound wisdom and integrity move her.
There really is no correlation between age and one’s bank balance. I’ve met wealthy boys and broke men.
Primary purposes of a mirror: (1) To help civilized men realize their imperfections, and, (2) To help the imperfect hide their imperfections.
Generally, men prefer dating women they love over women who love them; women prefer the opposite.