I grew up around lots of men - my father, my brothers, my uncles - so I wasn't intimidated by them.
Rural communities in Africa, South Asia and Latin America are where the majority of hungry people are and the inequality that exists between women and men in these communities is holding back progress.
Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others.
I don't categorize myself. I don't think I'm perceived as a female act by my audience. My fans include just as many men as women.
American men are more open, they are readier to express their emotions, but they also get frightened easily. Italians are used to drama. For us, arguing, shouting is perfectly normal - for them it is inconceivable.
I am a lucky man. I have had a dream and it has come true, and that is not a thing that happens often to men.
There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.
Men wholly bent on wordly treasures were the dupes of their own passions, rather than deceived by the writings or pretenses of those who claimed to be Alchemists.
I've always said to my men friends, If you really care for me, darling, you will give me territory. Give me land, give me land.
If women ran Hollywood, 'The Hollywood Reporter' would have a 'Men in Entertainment' issue every year, and those jerks would have to write something.
I don't like my men to be too ornate. I like them to stand back and let their women shine, and they should really wear the pants in the relationship.
A strong argument for the religion of Christ is this - that offences against Charity are about the only ones which men on their death-beds can be made - not to understand - but to feel - as crime.
I cannot doubt that women will line up, like the men elected, with the groups whose political thinking and convictions are in accord with their own political convictions.
Cruelty to men and to the lower animals as well, which would have passed unnoticed a century ago, now shocks the sensibilities and is regarded as wicked and degrading.
The law of the survival of the fittest led inevitably to the survival and predominance of the men who were effective in war and who loved it because they were effective.
If Nixon is not forced to turn over tapes of his conversations with the ring of men who were conversing on their violations of the law, then liberty will soon be dead in this nation.
Women and gay men have something in common after all: in that they are trying to deal with this goofy egotistical monster called a man.
If these men decided that they have to go in there and fight, I want them to send their own children and grandchildren. I want them to not send a bunch of strangers' kids in there to fight and die.
A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion.
Men scream and go crazy in the gym. I'm a silent workout partner, but when my adrenaline gets up, I talk trash.
Through the Young Men's Christian Association and principally in Australia and North America, as well as in South America, I came into contact with families of these countries.