Orang mempelajari Islam untuk mengetahui apa sebenarnya Islam itu.
Orang yang jatuh cinta diam-diam hanya bisa, seperti yang mereka selalu lakukan, jatuh cinta sendirian
Outside, the afternoon sun was an orange sliver on an icy horizon.
Every university in America teaches 'Clockwork Orange.' I get fed up with it.
There's no choice that doesn't mean a loss.
If the demons lived anywhere it was here.
You can't compare an apple to an orange. It will cause a lot of self-esteem issues.
People do give me a hard time about my hair because it's orange and it's big.
[last lines] Alex: I was cured, all right!
Alex: Initiative comes to thems that wait.
Tramp: Can ye spare some cutter, me brothers?
Alex: Missus! It's a matter of life and death!
Billy Boy: Lets get 'em boys!
Susah senang kita biar kita je tahu. Orang lain taknak faham tak apa. Jalan hidup kita memang beza-beza.
Memberi maaf itu lebih baik dan lebih mulia daripada menunggu sampai orang lain meminta maaf
Kadang saat kita gak mampu melepaskan orang yang terlalu kita cintai, berarti kitalah yang harus pergi
Kebaikan sejati dan tulus adalah kebaikan yang dilakukan tanpa diketahui orang yang menerima kebaikan.
My last refuge, my books: simple pleasures, like finding wild onions by the side of a road, or requited love.
Thank God we can't tell the future. We'd never get out of bed.
In some counties, there is an actual named crime of ritual abuse and there too, there have been convictions.
The West Indians and Pakistanis play one-day cricket so well because they play for English counties.