People look at me as spiritual... but I am also very logical, very business-minded. The two come together.
I believe in Coach Louis Wong. He is so much more than just a football coach.
When the external factors over which one has no control in a way start to become negative, it starts to affect our creative juices.
For some reason, it popped into my head the notion that a lot of the Next Generation cast in the long run of that show managed to step behind the camera.
I believe in my kids 100 percent. When you have confidence in them, they have confidence in themselves.
I'm an excellent dancer. I keep up with whatever's hot. I've been break-dancing and pop-locking since back in the day.
You know, you want to win and you want a ring. But when you win and you get the ring, you never really wear it.
We are on Sunday night because that is where they put us 30-odd years ago. I think we became a habit.
What we've seen this season is that if something that will enhance performance is available, some players will indulge... unless the penalty is an absolute deterrent.
When you have a bunch of comfortable upholstered pieces, a single bronze or brass chair really turns the energy up.
I feel strongly that I need to try to make my shows as real as possible. What you see is what you get.
I'm not staid and unbiased here. I have certain biases I want to convey, and if you disagree, that's fine.
There's nothing wrong or evil about having a bad day. There's everything wrong with making others have to have it... with you.
I'm a musician. I play instruments. I dabble in the hip-hop field. That doesn't take vocal ability necessarily.
I'm so thankful for the Internet because actors and singers and performers now have a way to connect with their fans on a very personal level which I think is quite special.
I'm thankful for the incredible advances in medicine that have taken place during my lifetime. I almost certainly wouldn't still be here if it weren't for them.
We will try to create conditions where persons could come together in a spirit of teamwork, and exercise to their heart's desire their technological capacity.
I'm about 90 percent vegan. I think veganism is really well suited for training, at least for me anyway.
It may not be too late, whatever happens, if our President, Lyndon Johnson, knew the truth from me. But if I am eliminated, there won't be any way of knowing.
It kind of irritates me that I'm seen as this pretty face. People also say I'm too thin. The truth is pretty people aren't as accepted as other people. It comes with all these stigmas.
With superheroes and comics and fantasy and sci-fi being absolutely the popular currency in cinema, it's like people have said in endless magazines, it's the revenge of the geeks and all that. There's some truth in that.