I do have thighs and a butt. I have cellulite.
Making people laugh was automatic.
I'm a Words With Friends dork!
Find $50 a month for savings. No excuses!
Women fake orgasms and men fake finances.
What a nice night for an evening.
I'm not really this rock'n'roll chick.
I went to college in Mississippi; I'm from Louisiana.
Canadians are so easily wounded.
It's kind of fun to be sexy.
I listen to jazz mainly. Mainstream jazz.
Keith Powell and Judah Friedlander are like brothers to me.
I don't think I'm a criminal, number one.
I drink a lot of coffee.
I'm the oldest and I've got two sisters.
I don't really have a type of woman.
I'm really insecure about everything.
I was grounded for all of my childhood. Not most - all.
I was too young to have watched '90210.'
'Midnight Nation' is really interesting.
I'm a ready-shoot-aim kind of gal.