I certainly never get above my station - my family would soon slap me back down to earth.
There are lots of people in the Silicon Valley who are interested in working at a fast-moving, dynamic company like Google. Not just my family members.
Disney was a family film studio. I was supposed to be their young, leading man. After they found out I was involved with someone, that was the end of Disney.
I want to be remembered for Swiss Family Robinson and Old Yeller. I think Swiss is probably my favorite film.
Forgiveness is important in families, especially when there are so many secrets that need to be healed - for the most part, every family's got them.
In performance, you don't always feel that sort of family bond right off the top. It sort of develops and grows over time.
I come from an acting family, my father was an actor, and I had to fight my way and just create my own identity.
My number one thing was that if I ever did get successful enough to make it, I wanted to be able to give back to my family.
I definitely understand what it's like not having family around when you want them there, but you don't live in the same city.
U2 - that's a band that never should have existed. There's no life experience in any of their songs.
Succeeding is not really a life experience that does that much good. Failing is a much more sobering and enlightening experience.
Liver is my number one most hated food. Oh, God, I get sick talking about it!
Every morning, I have a drink of spinach, blueberry, celery, carrot and Gillian McKeith energy food with linseed.
If you start to just aim for what the audience wants to hear, you're already hamstrung because you don't have any freedom.
My daughters, your daughters, our daughters deserve safety, protection, and the freedom to make their own choices about their personal lives and their physical selves.
My reasons for declaring a sexual preference had to do less with the pursuit of personal freedom than with the lust for pure shock value.
As wild as I was, when the cops show up, and suddenly you're being handcuffed, it's so deeply shocking and terrifying, the loss of freedom.
Wanting to be a rock star, I get it. I'm like, 'Oh, my God, dude! The freedom!'
But there is some way in which poets believe that and this is dangerous, too believe that their calling gives them a certain freedom. A certain freedom to live in a free way.
I was a girl and became a woman. Something about having the freedom at home to be in the position I wanted, to have the people I wanted, was empowering.
Internet freedom is a bit of a Rorschach test: it means different things to different people.