I got a call from the Oprah Winfrey Show. Oprah had chosen Spanx as one of her favorite products in 2000. I had boxes of product in my apartment and I had two weeks notice that she was going to say she loved it on TV and I had no shipping department.
Every 'Oprah Winfrey Show' has about it the aura of Oprah's own life, just as the rituals and sacraments of a religion are suffused with the life of the religion's founder. Above the testimony of Oprah's guests hovers what viewers know about Oprah's ...
Freedom is such a gift.
No family is sane, is it?
As you become more clear about who you really are, you'll be better able to decide what is best for you - the first time around.
My idea is to give hope, because where there is no hope, there is no vision, and where there is no vision, people will perish.
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.
I'm so not a celebrity.
I'm the git in the family.
Education is a vacine for violence.
Italian-Americans are not the Mafia.
Music is in my DNA!
I'm an interpreter of music.
I'm not afraid of aging.
A grownup is a child with layers on.
Canadians are the best, they're the best.
TV is the best babysitter.
The best movies are simple.
Recess and lunch are the best.
The image is an image.
I want to be invisible.