Atticus Finch: I remember when my daddy gave me that gun. He told me that I should never point it at anything in the house; and that he'd rather I'd shoot at tin cans in the backyard. But he said that sooner or later he supposed the temptation to go ...
[in Portuguese] Jamie: Good evening. Mr. Barros? Mr. Barros: Yes? Jamie: I am here to ask your daughter for her hands in marriage. Mr. Barros: You want to marry my daughter? Jamie: Yes. Mr. Barros: [yelling toward the back of the house] Come here, th...
[laying on the ground with his throat slashed by Fred and the Mystery Man] Mr. Eddy: [gagging from his bloody throat] What do you guys want? [the Mystery Man pulls out a hand-held Watchman TV and gives it to Mr. Eddy who looks on it to see an interio...
Gauri: Guran read my fortune today. Bhuvan: Really? What's the misfortune then? Gauri: So cruel? I won't tell you. Bhuvan: Oh come on. Gauri: He said I'll put henna on my hands this year - I mean get married. Bhuvan: That's great! Who's the lucky boy...
L.A. Bartender: Do you know what time it is? You should be drinking coffee. You're a young guy. It's none of my business, but if you could see what I see, you wouldn't be doing this to yourself. Ben Sanderson: I understand what you're saying. I appre...
Ed: Frank. Frank: Huh? Ed: This hair. Frank: Yeah. Ed: You ever wonder about it? Frank: Whuddya mean? Ed: I don't know... How it keeps on coming. It just keeps growing. Frank: Yeah, lucky for us, huh pal? Ed: No, I mean it's growing, it's part of us....
Nancy: [screaming in the boiler room] Come out and show yourself, you bastard! [fixing her watch, and Krueger comes from behind] Nancy: [screaming and jumping from the boiler room and landing in front of her house on a rose bush] Dammit! Where are yo...
Blind Seer: You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek. But first... first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril. Mm-hmm. You shall see tha...
Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair: Southern China? We've never even admitted we sent troops into China. General Hummel: Who is this? Identify yourself! Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair: White House Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair, General. General Hummel: ...
Officer Michaels: It was my semen. One time we walk into a murder house, blood everywhere, I go on, I think I find a bit of semen, clean it off. Long story short. Cream of wheat. Officer Slater: Yup. Dope. Officer Michaels: In short. Officer Slater: ...
Vilos Cohaagen: [Cohaagen has Quaid strapped into a memory machine and is about to turn him back into Hauser] Relax, Quaid. You'll like being Hauser. Douglas Quaid: The guy's a fucking asshole! Vilos Cohaagen: Not true! He's one of my best friends. B...
[Frawley is describing to Claire how he knows where the bank robbers who kidnapped her probably came from] FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: With guys like this - hardcore guys - 90% of them eminate from a one square mile neighborhood called Charlestown. Famili...
Carl Fredricksen: [Carl, with his house high in the air, opens his door to see who knocked on it. Looking around, he spots Russell] Whaa! Russell: Hi, Mr. Fredricksen! It's me, Russell! Carl Fredricksen: What are you doing out here, kid? Russell: I f...
Harry Burns: There are two kinds of women: high maintenance and low maintenance. Sally Albright: Which one am I? Harry Burns: You're the worst kind; you're high maintenance but you think you're low maintenance. Sally Albright: I don't see that. Harry...
[Otter and Mrs. Wormer are in the supermarket vegetable section] Eric 'Otter' Stratton: Mine's bigger. [Marion looks questioningly at him] Eric 'Otter' Stratton: My cucumber. It's bigger. I think vegetables can be very sensuous, don't you? Marion Wor...
Lieutenant Kotler: How dare you talk to people in the house? How dare you! Are you eating? Have you been stealing food? [shouts] Lieutenant Kotler: Answer me! Shmuel: No, sir. He gave it to me. He's my friend. Lieutenant Kotler: What? [to Bruno] Lieu...
Life itself and who people actually are can be greatly reflected in how they dance. And I don't mean how good you are. I mean your willingness to dance. You can kinda tell if you go to a house party and there's this group of people over here who are ...
There was a basic harmony between Antonia and her mistress [Mrs. Harling]. They had strong, independent natures, both of them. They knew what they liked, and were not always trying to imitate other people. They loved children and animals and music, a...
Me dad planted that tree,’ she said absently, pointing out through the old cracked window. The great beech filled at least half the sky and shook shadows all over the house. Its roots clutched the slope like a giant hand, holding the hill in place....
Metaphysics... is nothing but the inventory of all we possess through pure reason, ordered systematically. Nothing here can escape us, because what reason brings forth entirely out of itself cannot be hidden, but is brought to light by reason itself ...
Cinderella was such a dork. She left behind her glass slipper at the ball and then went right back to her step-monster's house. It seems to me she should have worn the glass slipper always, to make herself easier to find. I always hoped that after th...