I want to excite the eye through hatmaking.
The least touchable object in the world is the eye.
The Artist always has the masters in his eyes.
The eye should learn to listen before it looks.
I like to see people's eyes when I'm singing to them.
I will know him by his eyes.
No ghost was every seen by two pair of eyes.
Originality is simply a pair of fresh eyes.
Only with the closing of the eyes are we truly free.
A dog has got human eyes.
No, I can't close my eyes without you in my dreams .
The look in his eyes melted me.
The eyes of Faith will allow you to see the invisible
Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye.
True friends can communicate with their eyes
I loved the idea of seeing the world through a boy's eyes.
No eyes that have seen beauty ever lose their sight.
In the government's eyes, the Branch Davidians were a threat.
My father... had sharper eyes than the rest of our people.
Neither the sun nor death can be looked at with a steady eye.
Eye was a great discovery. He is one of the great vocalists of all time.