I don't go on tour tours - I just go randomly to cities to do shows if I have an opening in my schedule.
The best horror novels open up, "It was beautiful summer day and the smell of flowers emanated throughout the air.
I believe that Europe without Britain at the heart will be less reform-driven, less open, less international Europe.
An opening statement is like a guide or a road map. It's a very delicate thing.
I haven't shut any doors, and I'm really open to anything, so I think it's just about the material and what is going to get made.
Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it and it darts away.
In an open adoption agreement, you agree to a minimum number of visits - a floor, not a ceiling. It's enforceable.
I've always believed in trying to be as open as possible. I think it almost comes with the job - if you can bare your emotions, it makes for better acting.
For personal use, I recommend the free and open-source Truecrypt, which comes in flavors for Windows, Mac and Linux.
I want to be open to the kids who only speak Spanish, the kids who speak only Spanglish, and the kids who don't even speak Spanish at all.
My parents weren't at all in entertainment, but when I look back, something along the line prepared me and opened me up to entertainment.
If you come to Georgia, you can open up a company in a day. You yourself can come tomorrow and establish a company in a day, and you're not halted by paperwork.
I'm a London lad, but I'm fascinated by America. I want to take a motorcycling trip across the country and see those wide open spaces.
A market that's as open as possible is the precondition for a successful economy, and a successful economy is the precondition to being able to pay for social security.
I'm very open with people, very warm, when I meet them. My fans in particular find that strange and refreshing.
Laissez faire (in its full true meaning) opens the way to the realization of the noble dreams of socialism.
Only reform and opening up can develop China. We must not be afraid of any risks, and not be confused by any distractions.
The Republic is open and tolerant but also knows how and when to be firm and make its values respected.
With the R&B, gospel feel that 'Sparkle' has, that opens the door for my fans to be more accepting of that sound and also for me to try it.
Once we open the door to the plutonium economy, we expose ourselves to absolutely terrible, horrifying risks from these people.
The successful pilots succeeded because they did not open fire until they were close to the target.