I can only go one way. I've not got a reverse gear.
I don't ask for an apology because it's only tomorrow's fish-and-chip paper.
Your income can grow only to the extent that you do.
I know exactly how and where I am going to die. The only question is when.
To me an unnecessary action, or shot, or casualty, was not only waste but sin.
The only way to be inclined to write is to write to your inclination.
One can only hope that our horizons widen as we grow taller.
In the heart of every apple is an entire orchard waiting only to be planted.
You can get a thousand no's from people, and only one "yes" from God.
The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen.
The IMPOSSIBLE is ONLY relevant to those who NEVER attempt it…otherwise it is ABSTACT and MEANINGLESS
Music is what I have to do, I only answer the questions so that I can do it.
-by reading book after book (the only reliable otherworlds I've discovered so far).
We learn and experience ourselves only through suffering; everything else is humbug.
A hero is not only a brave individual, but a brave individual that dares to be different.
If I only did theatre I would have had to waitress, and I didn't want to waitress.
The only reason anyone ever called me a hero is because I get this paper, here.
It is a mistake to do nothing just because you think you can only do a little.
Sometimes the only way to ever find yourself is to get completely lost.
You are good in countless ways, and you are not evil when you are not good, you are only loitering and sluggard.
Do not fear the thorns in your path, for they draw only corrupt blood.