God not only plays dice, He also sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen.
God not only plays dice, but also sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen.
I don't give Hollywood the power to limit me. Only God can limit me.
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Many people believe that they are attracted by God, or by Nature, when they are only repelled by man.
The only reason they come to see me is that I know that life is great, and they know I know it.
George W. Bush is not only a great president; he was a great candidate.
I am only a sparrow amongst a great flock of sparrows.
This life is full of great experiences if we only give it a shot.
If there was to be a new Europe, there not only had to be a common market, but also great mobility in labor.
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.
I don't hold with the notion that only bad books make good movies.
They tell me a revival is only temporary; so is a bath, but it does you good.
I believe that a creative career is only as good as the risks that you take with it.
I only sound intelligent when there's a good script writer around.
Virtue looks good but it only suits imposing figures.
They're only truly great who are truly good.
Not only must we be good, but we must also be good for something.
Good literature can be created only with something that is different from literature.
The good things never stay in your head. Only the bad things live on.