There is only one way to happiness and that is through service.
Only votes talk, everything else walks.
There are only two classes - first class and no class.
Its only called PTDS if you stop fighting.
I only dunked maybe twice a game on average.
In the end I'm the only one who knows me.
Nothing that costs only a dollar is not worth having.
A civilization is destroyed only when its gods are destroyed.
The only reason for using another cut is to improve the scene.
I'm not only the best-known daredevil on the face of the earth, I'm the oldest.
They think the banjo can only be happy, but that's not true.
The only risk we run is by doing nothing.
I only write about what I do, what happens to me.
The only way to survive is to have a sense of humour.
The only discipline that lasts is self-discipline.
The only place i like to be is Money, Wherever it is!
Controversy is only dreaded by the advocates of error.
Only reprobates father children and then abandon them.
I have a place in the Broadway community that can only be earned.
There are only two seasons - winter and Baseball.
It is only if you happen to be a newscaster that the tongue-twister spells peril.