Misquotations are the only quotations that are never misquoted.
There are no problems—only opportunities to be creative.
...And you're the only one who knows.
There's a reason screens are only this thick.
For each of our actions there are only consequences.
Time is numbered only to man.
The only problem is time.
Travel is glamorous only in retrospect.
Wisdom is found only in truth.
Money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference.
We're the only species who hunts for sport.
I only want to give a metaphysic for my music.
I only make movies that are interesting to me.
There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it.
I wanted to be myself. Only myself.
In politics, yesterday's lie is attacked only to flatter today's.
A woman is not only a man.
Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly.
there is no problems, only solutions".
I only work with people I like.
I work for women. I only think for them. If I didn't like women, I wouldn't do this job.