One thing that struck me early is that you don’t put into a photograph what’s going to come out. Or, vice versa, what comes out is not what you put in.
Suggesting a married Jesus is one thing, but questioning the Resurrection undermines the very heart of Christian belief.
I've always been really artistic. I went to an all-girls private Catholic school, and one of their biggest things was musical theater.
You would think that a rock star being married to a super-model would be one of the greatest things in the world. It is.
I was taught by teachers, and if it's one thing I have it's a basketball mind and I try to pass it on and pay it forward.
Doing good makes you great. Bad things take away from good ones. Practicing Netiquette is all good.
If there was one thing Sam understood, it was guilt. It didn't have to be logical; oftentimes it wasn't. It sawed at your gut relentlessly, tediously, until you wore it like a scar.
It's one thing to earnestly try but fail to bring the two sides together. Though Democrats will deny it, that was the case with George W. Bush.
Definitely directing is the thing I like the most because this is where everything you know can be used. It's the most personal process ever. It's the most demanding one, but again, rewarding.
The funniest thing happened in one of my first scenes. In the beginning Emma was really arrogant and punk and in every scene she would slam the door when she walked in or out.
Successful people are the ones who think up things for the rest of the world to keep busy at.
Studying cows, pigs and chickens can help an actor develop his character. There are a lot of things I learned from animals. One was that they couldn't hiss or boo me.
You have to make one thing a priority and achieve balance that way, rather than trying to do everything all at once.
There are many reasons why novelists write, but they all have one thing in common - a need to create an alternative world.
In modern novels, there is no one I want to copy. My style 'is a poor thing, but it is my own.'
Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.
One thing you really have to watch as a writer is getting on a soapbox or pulpit about anything. You don't want to alienate readers.
It's that one thing that you're passionate about, that you end up developing tunnel vision for and everything else tends to fall by the wayside. Passion is appealing and universal.
One of the things that really drove me crazy was the way in which college kids, in particular, are educated to think that ideology is dangerous and bad.
One of my favorite things about 'Castle' is the fact our writers and producers are so collaborative. They allow us to bring in ideas, and they try to make them happen for us.
Society collapses when no two come together as one; however, when things do come together true beauty can occur.