One generation builds the street on which the next will walk.
When going to an eating house, go to one that is filled with customers.
Without money one cannot go anywhere, not even to church.
The next mile is the only one a person really has to make.
No one can have peace longer than his neighbor pleases.
In youth, one has tears without grief; in age, grief without tears.
One must bless the new moon when it is visible in the sky.
Quarrels do not last long if the wrong is only on one side.
The one with a running nose always wants to blow someone else's.
You easily lend bread to the one who has flour.
No one is happier than he who believes in his happiness.
There is no one luckier than he who thinks himself so.
It's not the fault of the parrot, but of the one who teaches him to talk.
Time heals old pain, while it creates new ones.
He who answers is inferior to the one who asks the question.
One man's beard is burning, and another warms his hands by it.
The ambitious one makes friends with the elephant, then tramples upon the ant.
A visitor comes with ten blessings, eats one, and leaves nine.
One sip of wine is an antidote against death, cupfuls poison life.
A narrow neck keeps the bottle from being emptied in one swig.
A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.