Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.
Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion.
One of Dawkins' major gripes is against religion. I am in total agreement on that one. I abhor religion.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
I have the most respect for Zach Woodlee. He is one of my favorite - and one of the most capable - choreographers out there right now.
They say Formula One is a market which it can't be, obviously. Our market is independent, it's a sport.
In the Olympic Oath, I ask for only one thing: sporting loyalty.
Prayer is more than meditation. In meditation, the source of strength is one's self. When one prays, he goes to a source of strength greater than his own.
The Lord gave us two ends - one to sit on and the other to think with. Success depends on which one we use the most.
I'd rather invest in an entrepreneur who has failed before than one who assumes success from day one.
It is only after one is in trouble that one realizes how little sympathy and kindness there are in the world.
At first, one believes in love. Then one crosses a border, a border of time. Then that belief, too, is lost.
I do have a bit of a garden, and I'd love a hovercraft to get around it - one of the big four-seater ones with the fan on the back.
One thing that stays pretty consistent for all my jobs is, I listen to a lot of music while I'm working.
I've made three studio albums and one live one with my brother. It's melodic singer-songwriter acoustic-rock music.
One time I introduced my orchestra as the Shampoo Music Makers instead of the Champagne Music Makers.
No one should be allowed to make music as if he were made of wood. One must reproduce the musical text exactly, but not play like a stone.
Ringo is one of the world's true humans. The only one out those four guys, who did not have an agenda. Ringo was just into the music.
One thing the music industry has taught me is to manage my expectations.
I like writing different types of music. I don't like being stuck into one thing.
One morning I woke up and was plunged into psychological shock. I had forgotten I was free.