The ambitious one makes friends with the elephant, then tramples upon the ant.
A visitor comes with ten blessings, eats one, and leaves nine.
One sip of wine is an antidote against death, cupfuls poison life.
A narrow neck keeps the bottle from being emptied in one swig.
A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.
Better to wash an old kimono than borrow a new one.
If one man praises you, a thousand will repeat the praise.
The nail that sticks its head up is the one that gets hit.
For every wise man there is one still wiser.
One man cut the barrage, and a thousand people fell into the river.
When you're out of luck in the coffin making business, no one dies.
Two bears in one cave will not end up well.
It's not the fault of the mouse, but of the one who offers him the cheese.
A person is a guest for one or two days, but becomes an intruder on the third.
More than one mother can make tasty soup.
He who serves two masters has to lie to one.
'Tis a hard winter when one wolf eats another.
Two cats will not live together in one sack.
A tree that grows in the shade of another one will die small.
Don't refuse a wing to the one who gave you the chicken.
The only chaste woman is the one who has not been asked.