A young branch can be straightened, a mature one breaks.
The memories of one's youth make for long, long thoughts.
It is a hard winter when one wolf eats another.
A flatterer has water in one hand and fire in the other.
As the old birds sing, so the young ones twitter.
One hand washes the other and both wash the face.
Who is mighty? One who makes an enemy into a friend.
The potter sleeps soundly, for no one would steal clay.
In your neighbors' soup there is always one fatty morsel.
He is a sorry barber who has but one comb.
If you have no one else, then confer with your knee.
In the eyes of a lover a pock-marked face is one with pretty dimples.
One joy can drive away a hundred sorrows.
The good fellow to everyone is a good friend to no one.
Hearts do not meet one another like roads.
Strong attachment is difficult -- it makes one mad or kills.
If the stomachache were in the foot, one would go lame.
When one chief falls, another rises.
One ducat before the trial is worth three afterwards.
A rich widow weeps in one eye and laughs with the other.
No one is poor but he who thinks himself so.