You cannot hang everything on one nail.
Good deeds banish bad ones.
The buyer needs a hundred eyes, the seller not one.
One may have good eyes and see nothing.
The best advice one can give to the hungry is bread.
The buyer needs a hundred eyes; the seller but one.
Make a friend when you don't need one.
Better be proficient in one art than a smatterer in a thousand.
If a dead tree falls, it carries with it a live one.
One finger alone cannot even kill a louse.
A dirty soul can be cleansed when one speaks.
Light griefs can speak, but deeper ones are dumb.
Your wife and your wheelbarrow -- lend them to no one.
One does not give a gift without a motive.
One must talk little, and listen a lot.
One cry of "Thief!" and the whole marketplace is on the lookout.
With a bottle and a girl one does not count the hours.
Sweet are the tears that are dried by your loved one.
Money is like down -- one puff and it's gone.
No one is hanged who has money in his pocket.
One does not look for good when he is well.