One man alone is prey to the wolf.
The urine of one dog will not pollute the ocean.
No one boasts of what belongs to another.
One dirty pig pollutes others.
The one who wins plays best.
No one is so poor as an ignorant person.
One would not be alone even in Paradise.
Who serves the public, serves no one.
A silent man is the best one to listen to.
Virginity can be lost in one night.
No one says, "My pasture is not sweet."
One man's death is another man's life.
One pebble doesn't make a floor.
Little by little one walks far.
Think of many things -- do one.
To change one's habits has a smell of death.
The eyes have one language everywhere.
One road for the fugitive and a hundred for the pursuer.
Danger and delight grow on one stalk.
Advise no one to go to war or to marry.
Among the blind the one eyed is king.