Kids can make fun of you for having the wrong shoelaces: that's just kids. But I don't think I had any trouble making friends.
I believe that if America does not lead, others will - others who do not share our interests and our values - and the world will grow darker, for our friends and for us.
If consulted by friends about marital dramas, I always encourage the singles to marry, the married to stick together, the neglectful and wayward to renew their loving commitment and the wronged to forgive.
My desk, most loyal friend thank you. You've been with me on every road I've taken. My scar and my protection.
People have just assumed that... if we call our Facebook acquaintances our friends, we must be influenced by them, too. But we're not.
Perhaps our Irish friends should not so completely turn their backs on their historical dishes, no matter how many jokes they might have to endure.
I'm actually pretty scientifically interested. I have a lot of friends who are doctors, so the idea of the virus and the synapses in the brain and how the nervous system works was actually all pretty familiar to me.
You have friends, and they die. You have a disease, someone you care about has a disease, Wall Street people are scamming everyone, the poor get poorer, the rich get richer. That's what we're surrounded by all the time.
A lazy person, whatever the talents with which he set out, will have condemned himself to second-hand thoughts and to second-rate friends.
A lot of American guys wear really wide legged jeans and square shoes. Then they come to Sweden and think my friends are gay because they're wearing 'really tight jeans'. It's called 'fitted!'
I know this is a weird niche, but a lot of my female friends have these strange stories where there their dads have seen the small successes of their daughters and have decided that they are creative as well.
I use the language I use to my friends. They wouldn't believe me if I used some high-flown literary language. I want them to believe me.
I was 16 when I started playing. I borrowed a friend's acoustic guitar, and I had a Beatles chord book. I just taught myself that way.
[She wasn't] a logically reasoning woman, but God is good, and hearts may count in heaven as high as heads.
The two things I've been told most often since my career took off - by taxi drivers, lifelong friends and everyone in between - have been, 'Don't ever change, Margot' and 'You can't do that anymore, Margot.'
It's nice being friends over a period of time with people whose music you like so much, or other filmmakers, seeing people change, go through trials.
If you're convinced as an artist of what you're doing, the only move is to, no matter what people say or what management says or your best friends say or people on Facebook, do what you do, and people will find their way to it.
Speaking as somebody with three sisters and a very largely female Muslim family, there is not a single woman I know in my family or in their friends who would have accepted the wearing of a veil.
I have had many more close women friends than men, and I've always assumed that comes from the fact that in my family there was such a disproportionate female element.
I'd never stop traveling, and I love bringing my family along with me. My children have points of reference everywhere, friends from Milan to Los Angeles. I think it's really fun for them.
I am an atheist. I was born a Catholic, but after I had traveled to Northern Ireland with some Catholic friends, and we had a horrible experience with the English Protestant police, I lost all taste for formal religion.