Well, it really describes what it feels like to be a normal person whose boss and friend suddenly runs for the president, and then becomes the president.
Even small cults are a serious cost on the world economy, to victims, their families, employers, friends, and credit-card companies.
Friends, near or far, are important to us. All of ours have an awareness of other persons' feelings, a courtesy that's inevitable. When I find that consideration in a fan, I'm immediately impressed.
Write a little. Read a little. Dick around on the internet. Post something to Pinterest or Facebook. Text a friend. Write some more. Curse it because it's shit. Write some more. Repeat.
I stick to my own type when I go out, and I don't make friends with people just because they're celebrities.
Actually, Keke is my nickname. When I was little, my sister was about four years old, and she had an imaginary friend named Keke. And she wanted my name to be Keke.
I'm friends with Carla Olsen and she's doing a lot of producing these days. She's getting quite a little collection of records that she's produced. She's real busy.
Color makes no difference; the peeps are gray, the seals are black, and the crabs yellow; but we don't care, and are all friends. It is very unkind to treat you so.
If you don't stand up to your fears, have bravery, loyalty, and you don't have friends, you'll never win. You'll never feel better about yourself.
Before the 'Fast & Furious' promo in Manila, I went on a vacation in the Philippines 10 years earlier. I loved it. My 'Miss Saigon' friends showed me around.
The word 'carer' makes me think of someone with a nylon overall and a long list of 'clients' to wash before she finishes her shift. A companion was something unique. A kind of live-in friend.
A friend of mine took me to Memphis advised me that I should get in the musicians' union. He gave me a set of drums and said, Stay on the job, son.
People see the 'Lil' Wayne' persona and think they know who he really is. My son's father is an intelligent, loving and lovable person who will always be a dear friend. That is all.
when she speaks to her sister or friend ,her voice is different.when she speak to me-it is only mine!i wish she could know it
Childhood friends are continuity, uninterrupted connections between selves, and you hold on them. You hold on them and you love them, but sometimes they're not quite comfortable.
I have some friends, colleagues here at the Karolinska Institute and even in the United States and many other countries too, because we are working together as scientists.
I picked up reading late because I grew up dyslexic. When I went to college, a friend who was a big reader got me started on a number of writers, including Hemingway.
Like many of my friends and colleagues, I can't get enough of Obama news; latest polling, speeches, visits, reaction of world leaders.
When you get into a fight with your partner or a friend, you usually have some weird, specific thing that you hold on to that you fight about that has nothing to do with what's going on.
My name is Ella; that's who I am at school, hanging out with friends, while I'm doing homework. But when I'm up on stage, 'Lorde' is a character.
I mean, sometimes when you do a show or a campaign with a designer, you get along with them really well and you become friends. And then, sometimes, people are just a bit... weird.