I know you weren’t born to make people happy, but if you did one day someone else will make you happy too.
I probably have a club in my hands 360 days a year, one way or another, playing with friends or just fiddling around or hitting balls.
Being mom is one of my favorite things. It makes my day watching my kids grow and accomplish things in their lives.
Ted Williams, an extraordinary hitter in his day, has said the swing starts in the hips, and Sosa arrived with one of the strongest lower bodies in the game.
What are the odds that a nuclear emergency like the one at Fukushima Dai-ichi could happen in the central or eastern United States? They'd have to be astronomical, right?
Anyhow, a philosophical turn of thought now was not amiss, else one's patience would have given out almost at the harbour entrance. The term of her probation was eight days.
NEWSPAPER: What great paper is the Earth; what a typeface is the Day; what ink is the Night! – Everyone prints, everyone reads; no one understands.
I am a father, I am very aware of the things that I'm putting out in the world knowing that one day my children will watch the work that I've done. I want to be able to stand by it.
I work for two years on a book and it comes out and two days later I've got my first e-mail: When is the next one coming out?
One of the terrific aspects of MIT in those days was the enormous variety of experimental work that either took place there or was talked about in seminars by outside speakers aggressively recruited by the faculty.
If you so choose, each day can be filled with even more joy than the one before. If you so choose, even the most seemingly random events can work in your favor.
When you're entertaining all day long and that's your work, you end up really very tired. You don't have a lot of energy left over for your loved ones.
I don't know what I am doing tomorrow. But I know one thing for sure: the day I stop enjoying my work, I will pack up and leave.
Many women like to wear nude eye shadow during the day, but it doesn't really do much for you. Instead, try one that's a few shades lighter than your skin tone.
I dress women the way I see them and the way I envision them from day one, thus my customer knows that what she is looking for she will get.
But one did not do feminist theory, as such, in those days, not only because male academic discourse did not recognize such a term, but especially because the women's movement did not either.
Sometimes,well,all the time,I can't think of what to say because I'm so dumb and stuff,and then maybe I think of it like five days later.
Belief isn't simply a thing for fair times and bright days, I think. What is belief - what is faith - if you don't continue in it after failure ?
She wished she had known back then. Known that happiness isn't a point in time you leave behind. It's what's ahead of you. Every single day.
At their time of life they should be wearing trouser suits and baking cakes, maybe spending their days penning hand-written letters of complaint to newspapers. Not drinking alcopops with crude straws in them.
In spite of being professionally gregarious, in my nonpaid hours I'm a bit of a hermit. After being around a crew of fifty people for twelve hours a day on a film set, I really like my alone time, and as always, I abhor small talk.