I suddenly discovered that acting made girls notice me.
In general, I find that for videos the acting is more realistic.
Theater to me is acting but it's more real on film.
With acting, I didn't get much from it.
I didn't actually begin professionally acting until I was 30.
I'm more interested in producing than acting.
We ape, we mimic, we mock. We act.
I moved to California not to pursue acting but to get out of Albuquerque.
Reading is the last act of secular prayer.
Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on.
Acting is just a way of making a living, the family is life.
I have learned that acting is not about beauty.
The effects of climate change are real and must be acted on.
I don't act, I don't direct, I don't design.
Acting was important, but it was not as important as getting an education, and I credit my parents with a lot of that.
Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferrals of information.
T.V. acting is a great skill to have, and it's nice to have that stability.
Be great in act, as you have been in thought.
Next to acting, being in the great outdoors is my biggest passion.
I used to be a dancer, and for me it was a really good combination of dance and acting.