She thinks I'm too...impulsive." "Can't imagine why," Tristan muttered, "when you do things like ride off into the woods after gentlemen in pursuit of a thief---
It's hot out there." I prowl toward her, pulling off my shirt. I maybe flex my abs a little- anything for my girl.
If you would feel comfortable going around to someone's house at the end of a long day saying, "I'm just going to take my bra off," you know you are intimate friends.
Careless and not particularly biting, it was easier to shrug off than anything in the first book which depicted me as an inarticulate zombie confused by the irony of Randy Newman's "I Love L.A.
What else should our lives be but a continual series of beginnings, of painful settings out into the unknown, pushing off from the edges of consciousness into the mystery of what we have not yet become.
When you meet someone so different from yourself, in a good way, you don’t even have to kiss to have fireworks go off.
He dusted off the shoulder tab and stared at it, so light in his hand, so inconsequential. It was hard to believe that a shred of cloth could have so much destructive power locked away in it.
One day you’re a college graduate, in love with Mr. Right and looking for a job. The next day, your Rambo.” “Your timeline is off. And can we lose the Rambo part?
I wanted to tell people, "My depression is acting up today" as an excuse for not seeing them, but I never managed to pull it off.
I tried to say something cool, wound up stammering something like, “WANNA YOU WANNA WEENIE ME?” The end kind of trailed off in a shrill, choking warble.
There is a charm in Solitude that cheers A feeling that the world knows nothing of A green delight the wounded mind endears After the hustling world is broken off
I like the idea of feeling small. Sometimes life can seem bigger than you, you know? But knowing you're less than a speck in the whole scheme of things takes the pressure off, sort of.
It is never ridicule, but a compliment, that knocks a philosopher off his feet. He is already positioned for every possible counter-attack, counter-argument, and retort...only to find a big bear hug coming his way.
Dill was off again. Beautiful things floated around in his dreamy head. He could read two books to my one, but he preferred the magic of his own inventions.
I don’t get where he gets off thinking he should be able to have his cake and eat it too because news flash, this cake store is fucking closed.--Lane
I blamed the Bible, when its words were not at fault, only the way they’re interpreted by those too willing to wield them like chain saws, cutting others off at the knees.
Stay away from Mistress Laera,” said Frank, “or I'll find grounds to sue your ass off. Possibly for damaging my fist when I pound your pretty boy face in.
You going to fuck her or kill her?” Anneke asked when Nyx sent Mercia off with her bodyguards. “You never look that close unless it’s one or the other.
Only on a few occasions had I ever been comfortable showing my body off, and now here I was, taking a job where Asian boobs and ass ran free.
The Delta agent saw my itinerary and said, 'You’re flying to Jakarta via Atlanta, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur? You must have really pissed off your travel agent.
Turn off the light," she says as she walks away, creating a small that smells sweet and chemical. It makes me sad because it's the smell she makes when she's leaving.