The business can be frustrating. For me, Omaha is a rounding foundation. I was raised in a very faith-filled household, very hardworking. It made me aware of what privilege is. And it's a place I can go back to, spend time with nieces and nephews, ce...
I have a strange fascination with the Midwest. I'm waiting to find out that my parents are actually from the Midwest. I grew up in Beverly Hills, up the street, and I just feel comfortable there. I've shot in Minneapolis, in Detroit, in St. Louis, in...
When I was seven, these kids in the alley behind our house in Omaha called me Freckleface Strawberry. I hated my freckles, and I hated that name. I thought it was humiliating in the way that only a seven-year-old could hate it.
Thor: [about Asgardian mead] It is not meant for mortal men. Stan Lee: Neither was Omaha Beach, blondie! Stop trying to scare us, come on! Thor: All right. [pours a glass for Lee - cut to Lee being carried off in a daze] Stan Lee: Excelsior...
Captain Miller: [on Omaha Beach] Bangalors up the line!Bagalors up the line! Sergeant Horvath: Heads up, bangers comin' your way. Private Caparzo: [a soldier's helmet is struck by a bullet and he then takes it off] Jesus, lucky bastard. [the other so...
[Natalie, on her first outing, walks into the Omaha Airport terminal dragging her slow-moving luggage; Ryan, offended by this, looks at her in frustration] Natalie Keener: What? Ryan Bingham: Follow me. [later at a store in the terminal, Ryan grabs a...
When a man died, there had to be blame. Jimmy Cross understood this. You could blame the war, You could blame the idiots who made the war. You could blame Kiowa for going to it. You could blame the rain. You could blame the river. You could blame the...
We're in Des Moines, Iowa today, were in Omaha, Nebraska yesterday and Boise, Idaho the day before. When we landed at the airport in Boise, from Portland, Oregon this lady from our plane came up from behind as we walked down the terminal. She approac...