Buy a steak for a player on another club after the game, but don't even speak to him on the field. Get out there and beat them to death.
Whenever I design any variant, or when anybody sends me one, I always say if at all possible within the context of the game don't have two home supply centers touching each other.
I'm definitely old-school when it comes to dating. I'm not into the 'game' so much. If I like you, I'll confront you and be open about it. Then I expect you to come after me.
The great thing about games is that it's tremendously collaborative, and it opens you up to this other world of thinking and storytelling and how you construct those stories.
For me, there's nothing that beats playing. When I'm not playing, I'll watch games on the television, watch stuff on You Tube, everything. I just live for football, love watching great players.
A guy as great as Brett Favre has been for the length of time he's been, you would hope that he would be able to leave the game with a positive flavor in his mouth.
We should reach out to people to try to go after the fans the way other sports do. Because we can't just depend on the fact that it is a great game.
I love humorous games. I love to laugh, and I think it's a really great way to attract players.
That's what I do now: I lead and I teach. If we win basketball games from doing that, then that's great, but I lead and teach. Those are the two things I concentrate on.
We know that golf is an ancient game with great history and tradition, but our golf is only 10 years old so don't judge us too harshly.
I did a voice for this video game called 'Fallout 3,' and that was really fun. I had a great time, especially since I could show up in PJs and not have to worry about how I looked.
Most producers I've known were writers first, and writing is a vital part of any game show. You could easily argue that the writing is the key ingredient that makes 'Jeopardy!' so great.
NFL cheerleading is harder than most people think. They train up to six hours every day with games on Sundays. They gave me a great work ethic.
Soccer is a great game, and the rich variety of styles and passions that come with being truly global makes the World Cup a nonpareil event in the universe of competitive sport.
I've watched with a kind of wary eye how gaming has progressed. I was there at the beginning with Pong in the arcade, and a lot of my great childhood memories were around a 'Tempest' machine.
The objective of a referee is not to get mentioned. I tell a lot of young referees that not being mentioned is king. If you can achieve that, that then it has been a pretty good game.
I know I'm never as good or bad as one single performance. I've never believed in my critics or my worshippers, and I've always been able to leave the game at the arena.
I know that I'm never as good or bad as any single performance. I've never believed my critics or my worshippers, and I've always been able to leave the game at the arena.
Our generals talk a good game about taking care of their grunts, and the majority of our Beltway politicians bay with moralistic fervor about how they, too, support the troops.
Everybody wants you to do good things, but in a small town you pretty much graduate and get married. Mostly you marry, have children and go to their football games.
I foresee online gaming changing when there are good audio-visual links connecting the participants, thus approximating play in a face-to-face group.