The people of one county can not be indifferent to the welfare of the people in another county.
You know, Katie Couric is one of my favorite people.
Life it too short to deal with crazy people.
Sometimes it's the crazy people who turn out to be not so crazy.
Anything that's for free, people will take. They don't discriminate.
And my mouth is not a sewer, although some people may think it is.
I can't stand being around anal people, especially anal people with big egos.
I cover media people the way they cover politicians.
Though the people look the same, they are different; though the people look different, they are the same!
Young people want you to be real with them.
You ought to try being cruel to some people.
Some people don't know when to stop talking.
These people are artists. These people are musicians. They're taking it out and trying to express it that way.
For some people, what really matters to them is sleep.
Some people are born to be public property.
The more people come out, the less it will be an issue.
Most people care what people think about them... we all do.
Most of my mail comes from young people.
We have a lot of thoughtful people in the U.S. Senate.
I think that people who don't like kids are awful people.
We are entertainers. We're trying to entertain people.